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Mangrove Management

Protecting our harbour's biodiversity

Our Objective

If we are to restore our harbour, so that species can thrive and flourish, and our future generations can enjoy the harbour as we do now, the rapid spread of mangroves must be controlled and managed.

Mangrove management by Waikato Regional Council has failed in the last 10 years, and has cost ratepayers over $3million, with very little to show it, apart from expensive consultations.

We advocate on behalf of the community and the rate payers, to bring about a sensible, and cost-effective approach to managing mangroves, so that it benefits all forms of life.

We're not about total mangrove removal.
We're about managing mangroves.

Let's be clear. We seek for mangroves to be managed, not for ALL of them to be removed. For the benefit of the harbour's health, and for ratepayers, we aim to:

  • Reduce mangroves to a more sustainable level - so the seedling drop can be reduced, and less mangrove seedlings to clear.

  • Be able to remove seedlings, using the same methodology as we have in the past.

  • Hold Waikato Regional Council accountable for 'ineffective spending', and to uphold their responsibility to a healthier harbour.




Mangroves Rapid Spread

Our biggest threat to our harbour's current biodiversity, is the rapid spread of mangroves. Sedimentation build up is the reason why. By identifying and controlling the cause of the sedimentation means we are able to reduce the risk of mangroves spreading and taking over the harbour.

The map below is from 2002 - that's over 20 years ago. The parts in green is where the mangroves were in 1965. Their expansion more than doubled in 35 years. Imagine, where they would be if Whangamata Harbour Care had not addressed mangrove seedling removal over 30 years ago?

Why we need to manage mangroves in our harbour


Our harbour birds need a safe, healthy feeding and roosting grounds. Did you know we have some really special birds in our harbour?


If mangroves are 'allowed' to take over, we risk losing these precious species.

Other Plants

Beneficial grasses provide a habitat for birds, whitebait, and insects. For example, our resident Banded Rail live in the grasses close to the shore.

If mangroves overtake the plants habitat, they will die, along with their ecosystem.

Reduce Pests

We are on a mission to eradicate pests and predators around our harbour.

Mangroves are a perfect haven for vermin and rubbish - and run the risk of reducing our bird numbers even more.

Sand Dwellers

Shellfish, crabs and snails nestle into the sandy loom of our harbour - which is what feeds our birds, fish and us.


Mangroves trap sediment, which would kill the shellfish, snails and crabs that call our harbour home.

Gallery & Facts
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In 2019, these harbour-serving members received a community award for their harbour efforts.

Thank you for all members that have contributed so much to help our harbour restore.

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