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Feet in Water

Pest Control

Trapping for a Better Harbour

The aim of pest control, is simple. It's to trap predator animals, so that the birds, geckos, insects that make up a healthy biodiversity have the best chance of survival in and around the harbour.

Unfortunately, our resources don't include rabbit control.  Please contact TCDC Council for this.

Harbour Catchment trapline 1 April 2024 to date.


30 rats on average

per month!


Nearly 8 possums on average per month!


7 spiky hedgehogs on average per month!


2 mustelid on average per month!

Do you want to run a trapline or want to fill in, when a trapline is away? Or, are you

a landowner, wanting some information on trapping.

Contact Roselle on 027 495-1761


Backyard Trapping

If you would like to trap rats in your own backyard contact Lyn on 021 151-5607.





About Us
Pest Control Form

A Short History

Hero shot - Causeway high tide.jpg

More info?


A few years back, a group of distinguished men, including volunteer extraordinaire, Ian Feasey, saw the need to assist the harbour wildlife, by setting baits and traps on Council-owned parks and reserve.   This was established with Council - and in recent years, has seen a sizeable shift in efforts, to meet the Council's strict Health & Safety policies, in order to maintain the bait and trap stations.

Roselle Gould & Dave Beatty, now head up this side of things, with a comprehensive outlay of tasks, in order to meet all the Health & Safety conditions. As you can imagine, every piece of land - whether it's owned by TCDC or by Department of Conservation, requires different rules and regulations. 

Now, the trapping team consists of 15 Bait and Trap runners - who provide such an invaluable resource to our community. Thank you to each and everyone of you.

If running a trap line interests you, please join, using the form above.

Support & Funding

We have 5 main avenues for support or funding:

TCDC Community Grants - to reduce predators on Parks and Reserves managed by TCDC that are surrounding the Whangamata Harbour and the mouth of the Otahu Estuary.

Waikato Regional Council - with Doc 200 traps and advice. We report back to WRC with predator numbers trapped on land managed by WRC including the Tairua Bypass road. 

Private - We also receive donations and support from private landowners to manage predator numbers on private properties and the Titoki Golf Course.

Predator Free NZ - endless support and advice, from the leaders of pest control in NZ.

Department of Conservation -  we recently secured a trap line on DOC land, on the northern side of the harbour - which can only be accessed by boat. Read the article here.

WHC Pest Control Volunteers 2020 .JPG

This pic needs to be updated, but thanks to our volunteers - current and old!

A big Thumbs Up to our Volunteers!

Types of Traps We Use

Have you seen our traps around?  Careful consideration goes into what type of trap we use and where. We have to be mindful of not only predators, but the public, domestic cats and dogs, and other native wildlife. If you are interested in setting up a trap in your backyard, please reach out to Roselle or Dave, using the form above.

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