Money Matters
As an incorporated society, we apply for funding from The Waikato Regional Council. Grants and charitable foundations assist in our running costs. We also receive funding from the Thames Coromandel District Council, with community board grants. Our accounts are published, and no member of the Whangamata Harbour Care 1997 Inc. receives payment for any service -it is all voluntary.
Membership is free and we welcome new participants. Please sign up here, if you are interested in our organisation, or if you would like to lend a hand.
We would like to give thanks to a growing list of community sponsors - please support them when you can. They are:
Whangamata Real Estate
New World Whangamata
Bunnings Warehouse Whangamata
Whangamata Ocean Sports Club
We are also grateful for any private donations. If you are interested in giving a donation, please get in touch with our Chairman, Kerry Gibb on 021 954 156.